Buy Nothing Day 2013

Buy Nothing Day (BND) is an international day of awareness against consumerism.


The first «No Shop Day» was organized in Vancouver Canada in September 1992 «as a day for society to examine the issue of over-consumption.» by artist Ted Dave and subsequently promoted by Adbusters magazine.

In North America BND is celebrated the Friday after Thanksgiving known as “Black Friday” that is when the Christmas shopping season starts, it is a busy day at malls similar to rthe summer and winter sales kickoff.

In the rest of the world Buy Nothing Day takes place on the Saturday after BF, in 2013 the date is November 30th .

This year in Bangladesh there was a BND call out for Sunday 24th in remembrance of the safety and welfare of garment workers, like those actual “fashion victims” who died in a fire last year.

Activities such as barter markets are being organized around this date all over the world in order to bring the conversation up about our consumerist lifestyle and its perilous consequences.

What you can do to support this initiative is spreading the word about BND at home and also at work, taking part in BND related activities (parades, flash mobs, alternative markets).

Please try to buy only items that you really need (remember: Reduce-Reuse-Recycle) and help others to make wise gift choices; most every day life goods can be obtained through exchange, barter, sharing and gift……or simply DIY which is also lots of fun!


For more info and updates you can follow @BuyNothingDay in twitter:

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