Live Sustainably: how to live the present without compromising the future

Group picture

Participants in Live Sustainably

Dear readers,

The residential part of «Live Sustainably» is over. From now, we go on with the «Youthworkers for Sustainability Network». (We will publish more information about that in the near future.)

It’s been intense and demanding, as well as extremely satisfactory and rewarding. There are many things we could say about the experience, but some of the participants have already summarised it quite well. We leave you with the links to their reviews, in Portuguese/English and Spanish:

Many thanks to the authors Filipa Gouveia and Jolanta Pieniak.


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Archivado bajo Actividad, Asturias, Curso de formación, Erasmus +, Internacional, Proyecto

3 Respuestas a “Live Sustainably: how to live the present without compromising the future

  1. Pingback: Live Sustainably – There is a Field Beyond

  2. Pingback: Live Sustainably in 3 words | Asociación Biodiversa

  3. Pingback: Live Sustainably – There is a Field Beyond

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